Monday 14 September 2009

What is going on?

Well well well... Many things are happening right now and that´s why I am not up dating my blog as much as a would like to, I am very busy my dears!

So, here are some dates of the good things coming:

20th of September - Music concert with the Brazilians Nelson Latif and Nelson Godoy. Those artists do not live in Prague and this is an unique opportunity. La Bodeguita del Médio, Kaprova 5, from 6:30pm (Free entrance)

26th of September- Warm Up for Brazil Fest at Gobi Bar, will be actually a meeting evening for a beer and some Brazilians snacks , to meet people and also there you can buy your tickets for brazilFest. Vinohradská 63, from 8:00pm (Free entrance)

28th of September - Samba-Axé classes with Marcio Slam ( I love him hehehhehe) and still some places and you can book you place and see all info at

10th of Octuber - The big day: BRAZIL FEST
Check the web site and also have a look on the video below!

Monday 7 September 2009

Besides Samba

One of the attractions of Brazil fest will be the photo exhibition of the great photographer Schirley Barta, another Brazilian talent who had chosen Prague as her new home.

About the exhibition she says:
"Brazilian music and dance, which portrays we have?
Thinking to be outside the country the answer will probably be "samba".

I offer a different option when shooting choreographer Marcio Slam and his partner Glenna Kézia in smooth movements and sometimes strong, bringing the beauty of dance accentuate in the contraction of muscles by different light sources.

The result of this work, that I had great pleasure in doing, I would like to present now on exhibition which I called "Besides Samba."

To find out more about Schirley Barta and Brazil Fest, visit:

Thursday 3 September 2009

When the background gets more attention

Today I am not talking about shows, classes, samba, Brazil or Brazilians...

Today just some pictures to have some fun.

And please, be careful when you want to take some nice picture, look back and around you, just to make sure you will get some attention on the picture!!!