Thursday 28 January 2010


Great Carnaval party coming!
Once again this year the Camoes Institute will make a great carnaval party, last year me and my gruop Alo Alo has been performing there and the atmosphere was amazing.
This year, Batukatum and Flavia Torga will be playing there again and I will make a samba-axé workshop just to make sure you will not back home cold:)

So, February 5th is the big day... the party will be at KC Zahrada from 18:00h

Click on the picture above to see more info

See you!!!!

Wednesday 27 January 2010


Today I am bringing to you one of my favourite samba singers...Brazilian of course... some of you already know this song, I mean, my students:)

Her name is Mart´nália, daughter of some another samba singer, Martinho da Villa, and for me she is one of the best of the new generation of samba music!

So, have fun....

Do not forget, next week workshop and the following week we start again our regular classes of Samba-axé!


Thursday 21 January 2010

Brazilian Party in Friends

Brazilian party coming next week:)

Experience a hot night of the South American on club Friends with Flavia Torga drums and band Luna Blue ( / lunablueband).

Marcio Slam (me) will interact with his samba moviments with Batukatum!

Wednesday, January 27th
Start 20h from 21h from 22h brazilian drums concert.
Latino rhythms of DJ Henriette will complete the night!

Entry only 70 CZK, special offer drinks in action.

So, let´s party in the middle of the week:)

Where you can find me this season!

This season you will have the chance to dance samba with me in the following days and time:

From 8pm to 9pm
Sokol Pražský, Žitná 42, Praha 2

From 18:30 to 19:30

From 20:00h to 21:00h
Sokol Pražský, Žitná 42, Praha 2

From 16:30 to 17:30

Tuesday 19 January 2010


So, as I promise, he is the information about the Free Workshop. Started to be very traditional hehehhe.

The lesson is gonna take place at: Sokol Pražský, Žitná 42, Praha 2

When? Monday, February 8th, from 8pm to 9pm

All you have to do is to sing in on

And I will be on the lesson waiting for you to have some fun:)

See you!

Friday 15 January 2010

Samba-axe 2010

Hello all
After all the parties here I am, back!
And want to let you know that the new classes of Samba-axe will start in February... just few weeks from now and to get all the info just have a look on

Its also coming up some Free workshop before the new groups starts... but this info I will bring you next week hehehhehehe

Have a great time so far and hope see you soon!
