Friday 5 June 2009


Why Czech people love dogs? Time by time I get in shock with so much love with the dogs and so little kindness with the people. I have nothing against dogs, I love them if they do not jump on my sofa or bed, in Brazil dogs should be all the time in the garden, outside, of course, people cannot do the same here cause the weather would kill them. OK! Keep them inside of the house. BUT, be careful to do not live your life for a dog, giving so much unconditional love to something instead of loving people.

I have a friend who did not show at least a litter feeling of worry when his father had a surgery, but 2 weeks later his dog broke a leg and he was crying like crazy in Jam Café, of course, he and his parents did not go out together for some weeks because the dog could not be alone at home. Some people cancel meetings with friends, those who can talk, share feelings and so on because of the dogs. What the hell!!! Come on, dogs are dogs, animals, even they are cute, lovely, sweet and whatever, they are and will be always just dogs.

I am not criticizing people’s choices, NEVER! I just think that sometimes the people do not realize that life pass so fast and I see people unhappy and alone because they cannot interact with people, do not know how to find, keep and feed a relationship. So, they buy a dog and everything seems to be fine. Bullshit!

Yes, Love your dog, a lot, why not? But not only! Keep your dog in your sofa, but not only, it can´t be company to talk with you about anything. Sleep with your dog in your bed, cool, but not only, you can not have sex with least you should not.

What I want to say? Well, if you give half of the attention and kindness to the people around you or to the people who cross your way daily, would be enough to make this world better. The world needs love, peace, tolerance, kindness... as much as the little dogs need!

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