Wednesday 1 July 2009

Good byes!

Hey people over there, please, stop to die!

Fred Mercury asked in one of his songs: Who wants to live forever? And I definitely do, at least I would like to, but seems to be impossible. But some people came to this world to do big things and do not die. Do you really believe that Elvis Presley has died, or Marilyn Monroe? And we saw just the kind of pop Michael Jackson passing away. Do you dare if he is going to live forever? I do not!

Pina Bausch, the German choreographer known for her pioneering work, died Tuesday, June 30th. Just over a week, Pina Bausch yet risen to the stage of the Theater of Wuppertal, with her dance company that she directed since 1973. Five days she had known that was suffering from cancer. She died with 68 years old. The choreographer was one of the great artists who changed the course of the dance in the 20th century, dancer and for history, she will always be alive!

In case you have not seen the movie "Speak with her" from Pedro Almodovar, you probably remember on the beginning of the movie he shows one ballet in one café, called Café Müller, is that on one of the most famous and important of the ballet 20th century, and its from Pina Bausch.

So, he is some of her pictures, and before our time comes, let's live, let's celebrate this life and all the beauty and love that are around us.

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