Friday 31 July 2009

The Rio´s wall

Brazil has not only good things, like in everywhere, and as a Brazilian I have also talk about the bad things as I beleive that things will never change if we do not face them.

Today came with an article talking about the wall that the state of Rio de Janeiro is building to prevent further expansion of slums that has caused the destruction of forests. Last 5 months this issue has been discussed in Brazil and abroad, and to be honest, I'm not against building the wall!

Rio de Janeiro has 968 slums, what means 20% of the population, the life conditions are horrible, no jobs and no education for them and with that the growing crime and civil war is already part of everyday life in Rio.

In a place where drug trafficking and crime can not be combated by the police, you really believe you can go there asking: Please, could you not deforesting the forest? Hell no! The people living on those slums are divided in two categories, those who works trafficking drugs and killing people for any reason, and those people who works very hard everyday, in honest way and pray for god to do not be murdered on the way home or even at home by a bullet lost. As you see, from both sides there is more important things to think about than the forest!

The fact that part of the population live in poverty, in crime, drugs and the slums are the places from where comes all the shame of Rio, means that some community leaders and the press often, believe that construction of the wall divides the population and this is discrimination.

First: Unlike other famous walls such as Berlin, china, Israel ... the wall in Rio is not to divide the population by social class or religious belief, the wall is to protect something that can not protect itself. The forest!Second: The government built houses for the families who lived in the place of the wall and several others who were living in areas of risk.

Anyway, a wall could not divide the population, would not guarantee safety, and if could, I would be the first to divide, I know that sounds bad, but unfortunately the crime in do not have solution, such as poverty in Brazil has not. I think we should stop being hypocritical and look at reality, and not be moved when a community leader, full of idealism that can work only in american movies, goes to the press saying that the government is treated them like animals and put in a cage.

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