Wednesday 25 November 2009

Did you know?

Batayporã is a city in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul . The biggest population of descendants of Czechoslovak, in 2007 was 10,564 inhabitants. The name refers to the Bata shoe industries of Czechoslovakia Jan Antonin Bata, the king of shoes, which was established in Brazil in 1932 fled the Nazi party.
BATA = Last name of creator and founder of the city, the industrial Czech Dr. Jan Antonin Bata;

Y = (the Guarani) - (i) water;

PORÃ = (the Guarani) - pretty goodLiterally Batayporã means "Good Water of Bata.

Bata had also founded the cities of Batatuba in 1941, and Bataguaçu in 1942.

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