Wednesday 22 April 2009

Skin Cancer

Careful. Summer is coming and is more than normal that we got crazy to be under the sun everyday for hours trying to get that nice colour skin, right? I am not different babies, living in CZ I lost all my charm ...hehehe ! But we have to be careful with the sun and skin cancer ... and especially the people who is really white like milk...and that particularly I love it!

Skin cancer is the most common form of human cancer it is estimated that over 1 million new cases occur annually. The annual rates of all forms of skin cancer are increasing each year, representing a growing public concern. So guys, be careful during your vacations and limit recreational sun exposure, avoiding unprotected exposure to the sun during peak radiation times (the hours surrounding noon, regularly using a waterproof or water resistant sunscreen with UVA protection and SPF 30 or higher.

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