Thursday 28 May 2009

Brazilians everywhere

Somebody asked me how many Brazilians are living in Prague, I just knew that on internet community we are 595 ,but I tried to find out and he is the results, of course that those numbers do not include the illegal people or those who never registered at the embassies. Have a look how many Brazilians are living in UK, Spain, Portugal and Germany. No wonder why they have big carnivals parade.

Germany : 59,338 Austria :10,000 Belgium: 43,638
Bulgaria : 60 Croatia: 180 Denmark: 2,500
Spain : 150,000 Finland: 510 France: 30,000
Greece: 5,000 Netherlands: 25,000 Hungary: 200
Ireland :20,000 Italy: 132,000 Norway: 2,160
Poland : 1,500 Portugal: 160,000 United Kingdom: 300,000
Czech Republic :150 Romania: 110 Russia: 180
Serbia :63 Sweden: 7,641 Switzerland: 60,000
Ukraine :86 Vatican :14

And now, to count one more, I am leaving to the airport to pick up my Gooood Brazilian friend that is coming just for weekend and the sun run away. On Face book the other friend living in Prague, to say exactly, Santiago Ferreira, just told me he has some concert today, but he does know where hehehehe but it is close to Bila Labut. Maybe I will find this place with my Brazilian friend number 151 hehehhehe. Kisses

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