Tuesday 2 June 2009

Sad News

An Air France passenger plane has gone missing over the Atlantic off the Brazilian coast with 228 people on board and Brazil’s air force are searching the area for the plane.

Flight 447, an Airbus 330-200 bound for Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, lost contact with the control centre shortly after its takeoff from Rio de Janeiro on Sunday at 7 p.m. (2200 GMT). It was expected in Paris on Monday at 11:15 a.m.

Chief Air France spokesman Francois Brousse said it is possible the plane was hit by lightning. Reports said the plane disappeared from both military and civil radar screens about 300 km northeast of the coastal Brazilian city of Natal.

The flight was carrying 216 passengers and 12 crew members and expressed its regrets over the bad news. The 216 passengers included one infant, seven children, 82 women and 126 men, according to Air France. It was a tragic loss, too many lives, young ones too. Among the passengers there was D. Pedro Luis Orleans and Bragança, from the former Brazilian royal family (actually a would be 4th in succession if Brazil still had a monarchy) , only 26 years old.

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