Wednesday 29 July 2009


Did you know that Brazilian cats have only seven lives, not nine! What happened to the 2 missing lives? and the topless is not very common and in some places even prohibited?
So, today I have some few curiosities about Brasil that sometimes even Brazilians have no idea about them.

The Portuguese Language is the Sixth most spoken in the world. A total of aproximately 200 Million people.

The oldest tree in Brazil is a Jequitiba-Rosa (Portuguese Name), the tree is 3020 years old and it is located in Sao Paulo.

Brazil has the helicopter fleet that grows fastest in the world. The helicopters traffic in Sao Paulo is the third busiest in the world.

The Brazilian Flag at Praca dos Tres Poderes, Brasilia, is the biggest flag in the world. Due the strong winds, the flag needs to be changed montly. Each month a different State cover the costs of the new flag.

At the Amazon rivers, more han 1500 species of fishes has been cataloged, but it is believed to have a double of that. It is fifteen times more species than found at European rivers.

Joinville, in Santa Catarina hosts every year the biggest dance festival in the world, with 6000 dancers from 30 countries.

Brasilia became the Capital just in 1960. Before that, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro were.

There are more than 127 million mobiles phones in use in Brazil.

The oldest active theatre in South America is located at Ouro Preto, in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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