Monday 24 August 2009

Ahoj Ahoj

Here, I am... just like I said I would be:)

I always faced my Birthdays like a big celebration, and if I have to talk about friends and family I am one of those lucky people who always receive a lot of love from my dears. Thanks all the messages, emails, phone calls from Brazil, Europe and U.S. Thanks also for the gifts, I am trying now to find a place in my home for all of them hehehe...

But the party is not over!!!

Tomorrow, september 25th, Alo Alo will bring colors and Brazilian mood to K.U Bar, with live Brazilian Music. So, I will take the chance to meet my friends that I could not meet last friday!!! Ještě nás čeká hodně piva!!!

The pictures today is from Alo Alo and Batukatum performance at Hoštice last saturday, one festival that ended with an evacuation because of a bomb!

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