Friday 14 August 2009

Madonna in Prague and Brazilians!

Yesterday, August 13th, I was in Madonna´s concert in Prague, it was amazing! Everybody knows that she has a Brazilian boyfriend, called Jesus Luz, and the concerts she had done this year in Europe, she has been taken always a brazilian flag to the stage, and last night, she took the flag from me. yes, my flag was a little special, what made her look at me and smile always when she pass next to me...I was in the front line, thanks to my 12 hours standing there waiting...anyway, I wrote in my flag PRINCESS LOLA, and Madonna loved, Lola is her daughter!

I was luck to be just next to Jesus, cause Madonna was looking at him all the time and sending kisses... he was next to me all concert, he was friendly and jump to me to take a picture...

At the end of the concert, Madonna back few steps to ask me for the flag... I gave to her and she finished the concert with my Brazilian flag... It was great!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Man thats AMAZING!!! Congrtats!