Thursday 30 April 2009

We need Samba!

Last Tuesday, just after my lessons, I have been to K.U Bar for one performance of Alo Alo with the Brazilian singer André Sah. Was quite funny, some of my students came to show up and like always during the performances days, I met a lot of People which I cannot remember their names. Well,or the people has to forgive me for that or I should write it down with the pictures of the people under...Anyway...That day, one friend of mine in face book, by coincidence, wrote me to ask where she could go to dance and/or listen samba outside the lessons, I told her about the evening in K.U Bar and she came... actually she danced quite good sambaJ

The thing is, how to make the owners of bars and clubs to play more samba music, and better than that, start to promote more parties with Brazilian and Carnival stuff? Well, the answer is quite easy, people like Eva, Daša , Irena and the other people was there in a Tuesday evening, should really go to support not only the samba movement or me or Alo Alo or Andre Sah... but should go to support parties they like to go. Samba there is no yet the same fever like salsa has, first of all, because Samba comes from one country only, and salsa from many different places, and second, the Brazilian community is not that big here in Prague as in London, Paris, Berlin, US... places whit big big big Brazilian events very often.

So, my message for you today is: Keep helping the samba movement grow up in Prague going to parties even to say hello if you cannot stay longer and dance until finish. And behind of this message about helping samba movement has another one that it is: Help and support everything you believe and make you happy!


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