Monday 31 August 2009

Samba-axé new season

Hey all, let us start again?
I am having now some few days of holiday but came here to invite you for my new classes!

Samba Axé is a typical Brazilian solo dance which combines the steps of Samba and Axé.

Book your place NOW and get the best price, a voucher for the Aquapalace Prague 1 +1 and a ticket for cinema for FREE!
Only for the first 15 people.
Number of places in the course is limited.

If you did not try yet, Samba Axé is an energetic dance typical for the modern Brazilian culture.
It combines the typical steps with the Samba Axé from the region of Bahia.

Samba Axé is about movement, happiness and joy.

Come and try, how does the Brazilian smile fits you!

For more info and to book your place:

Monday 24 August 2009

Ahoj Ahoj

Here, I am... just like I said I would be:)

I always faced my Birthdays like a big celebration, and if I have to talk about friends and family I am one of those lucky people who always receive a lot of love from my dears. Thanks all the messages, emails, phone calls from Brazil, Europe and U.S. Thanks also for the gifts, I am trying now to find a place in my home for all of them hehehe...

But the party is not over!!!

Tomorrow, september 25th, Alo Alo will bring colors and Brazilian mood to K.U Bar, with live Brazilian Music. So, I will take the chance to meet my friends that I could not meet last friday!!! Ještě nás čeká hodně piva!!!

The pictures today is from Alo Alo and Batukatum performance at Hoštice last saturday, one festival that ended with an evacuation because of a bomb!

Sunday 16 August 2009

K.U Bar August edition:)

For all those people who were wondering about next K.U bar Brazilian evening, here I am to tell you. I have to confess that in the beginning I did not believe that those evenings could work out, because the place is small and is on tuesdays and so on, but the small place became one of the good things, it´s more cozy because we can see and talk with everybody we know and meet new friends, and we have so much fun there, people who keep going knows it, and I want to thank you all, in name of Alo Alo and K.U bar.

So, the Brazilian evening with Alo Alo samba dance group and Brazilian live music, will take place at K.U bar, Rytířská 13, Praha 1, 25th of August from 9 pm.

I am sure that SOON, very soon, Alo Alo and Batukatum will bring you a great news!

Friday 14 August 2009

Madonna in Prague and Brazilians!

Yesterday, August 13th, I was in Madonna´s concert in Prague, it was amazing! Everybody knows that she has a Brazilian boyfriend, called Jesus Luz, and the concerts she had done this year in Europe, she has been taken always a brazilian flag to the stage, and last night, she took the flag from me. yes, my flag was a little special, what made her look at me and smile always when she pass next to me...I was in the front line, thanks to my 12 hours standing there waiting...anyway, I wrote in my flag PRINCESS LOLA, and Madonna loved, Lola is her daughter!

I was luck to be just next to Jesus, cause Madonna was looking at him all the time and sending kisses... he was next to me all concert, he was friendly and jump to me to take a picture...

At the end of the concert, Madonna back few steps to ask me for the flag... I gave to her and she finished the concert with my Brazilian flag... It was great!

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Thursday 6 August 2009

Livin la vida loca!

Ok, as you all should know, salsa is not my thing... and more than that, salsa is not a Brazilian thing, mostly all the Brazilians do not dance or listen salsa even many people around the world believe so. But I have nothing against salsa and I know many of my public also likes salsa and not only samba, so let´s talk today about some salsa party... Livin la vida loca!

So, this event will take place at Klub Lavka, this saturday 8/8/2009 and should start at 10pm, the ladies will have free entrance until midnight.

The DJ Pedro Rodrigues, Abdul 52 and the Mexican guest Alfredin will shake you up..and down...and all around hehehehe

The animation will be hold by Mayimbada from Dominican rep.