Friday 31 July 2009

The Rio´s wall

Brazil has not only good things, like in everywhere, and as a Brazilian I have also talk about the bad things as I beleive that things will never change if we do not face them.

Today came with an article talking about the wall that the state of Rio de Janeiro is building to prevent further expansion of slums that has caused the destruction of forests. Last 5 months this issue has been discussed in Brazil and abroad, and to be honest, I'm not against building the wall!

Rio de Janeiro has 968 slums, what means 20% of the population, the life conditions are horrible, no jobs and no education for them and with that the growing crime and civil war is already part of everyday life in Rio.

In a place where drug trafficking and crime can not be combated by the police, you really believe you can go there asking: Please, could you not deforesting the forest? Hell no! The people living on those slums are divided in two categories, those who works trafficking drugs and killing people for any reason, and those people who works very hard everyday, in honest way and pray for god to do not be murdered on the way home or even at home by a bullet lost. As you see, from both sides there is more important things to think about than the forest!

The fact that part of the population live in poverty, in crime, drugs and the slums are the places from where comes all the shame of Rio, means that some community leaders and the press often, believe that construction of the wall divides the population and this is discrimination.

First: Unlike other famous walls such as Berlin, china, Israel ... the wall in Rio is not to divide the population by social class or religious belief, the wall is to protect something that can not protect itself. The forest!Second: The government built houses for the families who lived in the place of the wall and several others who were living in areas of risk.

Anyway, a wall could not divide the population, would not guarantee safety, and if could, I would be the first to divide, I know that sounds bad, but unfortunately the crime in do not have solution, such as poverty in Brazil has not. I think we should stop being hypocritical and look at reality, and not be moved when a community leader, full of idealism that can work only in american movies, goes to the press saying that the government is treated them like animals and put in a cage.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Topless in Brazil

Why topless is allowed on certain occasions and forbidden in others? What happens there in Brazil?

The topless is allowed and accepted throughout the world, but in Brazil, for the sadness of Brazilian women and tourists, the controversy surprises. It depends the place, you can go even to the jail.

Believe me, there is some logic here?

Show breasts in the carnival: allowed
Show breasts to breastfeed: allowed
Show breasts in the doctor: allowed
Show breasts in the magazine cover: allowed
Show breasts in novels and movies without restriction of age allowed
Show breasts in advertising: allowed
Show breasts in the native documentaries: allowed
Show breasts in campaigns against breast cancer: allowed
Show breasts on the beaches: banned!

They say: What is that little shame? What indecency! Call the police! We have children here!

It is common to hear that the topless hits a familiar environment. But wait, children, in fact, are more used to the sight of a breast since their main food in early life comes from there.

So, girls think twice to make topless when you visit Brazil. It´s a nice country, nice weather and people, culture, nature, BUT, Brazilians got the hypocrisy from the catholicism when the topic is morals.

Wednesday 29 July 2009


Did you know that Brazilian cats have only seven lives, not nine! What happened to the 2 missing lives? and the topless is not very common and in some places even prohibited?
So, today I have some few curiosities about Brasil that sometimes even Brazilians have no idea about them.

The Portuguese Language is the Sixth most spoken in the world. A total of aproximately 200 Million people.

The oldest tree in Brazil is a Jequitiba-Rosa (Portuguese Name), the tree is 3020 years old and it is located in Sao Paulo.

Brazil has the helicopter fleet that grows fastest in the world. The helicopters traffic in Sao Paulo is the third busiest in the world.

The Brazilian Flag at Praca dos Tres Poderes, Brasilia, is the biggest flag in the world. Due the strong winds, the flag needs to be changed montly. Each month a different State cover the costs of the new flag.

At the Amazon rivers, more han 1500 species of fishes has been cataloged, but it is believed to have a double of that. It is fifteen times more species than found at European rivers.

Joinville, in Santa Catarina hosts every year the biggest dance festival in the world, with 6000 dancers from 30 countries.

Brasilia became the Capital just in 1960. Before that, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro were.

There are more than 127 million mobiles phones in use in Brazil.

The oldest active theatre in South America is located at Ouro Preto, in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Monday 27 July 2009

Samba goes on in August!

Hey everybody
Sorry for not been up dating last week, but I have been very busy and today I came to inform you that I will also be teaching in August holidays ... good bye:))) The regular lessons should start at the beginning of september but because of one reconstrution on the room, we gonna start only at the end of september.
So, I am opening a new course in August to do not let my students 2 months without me:)

Dance studio Naboso
Address: Školská 12, Prague 1

Brazilian Summer special workshops will be held each Monday in August.
Getting started Monday 03 08. 2009 to 24. 08. 2009.
from 16:00 - 19:00 pm

This Tuesday, July 28th, we gonna have a small party after the lessons, I will cook Brazilian Feijoada and we gonna have some drinks.
P.S The party is only for who is attending the lessons)

Monday 20 July 2009

And we go on and on and on...

Tomorrow, Tuesday July 21th, is day of Brazilian Party at KU bar with Alo Alo performance and live Brazilian music.

Flavia Torga, Santiago Ferreira, André sah e Dudu Morais will be responsible to bring us the samba warm mood, the charm of the forro and the power of the Axé Music.

Do not be silly and be there with us to have a great evening, and enjoy the summer until it last.

K.U Bar - July 21th - From 21:00
See you there:)

P.S. Just for info, the Carnaval in Prague this year will not happen, they said that the economic crisis is the reason!

Monday 13 July 2009

Alo Alo in the water:)

Brazilian mood at Aquapalace in Prague!

Alo Alo samba dance group in this time will be performing at aquapalace, out of the water, but in case you want to join us you can be the one who will jump in the water while we are making the show. And we wont be alone, Flavia Torga and her amazing band Batukatum will be playing there as well.

In the aquatic world, they have prepared a nice program full of water pleasures, fun and competitions. You can enjoy the original Brazilian drink, dance performance or a fashion show with Agatha Hanychov. Moderated by Leoš Mareš.

Do not forget swimsuit and a good mood with you.

16.7.2009 from 19 to 22pm
Obchodní zóna Průhonice -Čestlice, Pražská 138, 251 01 ŘÍČANY

Link of the AquaPark:

Thursday 9 July 2009


Another brazilian party on the 17-07 at 7pm.

Come to try one of the most traditional meals from Brasil, feijoada: a melting pot of black beans with delicious kinds of pork meet, served with freshly made rice, farofa and oranges.

We will have other tipical brazilian foods also:
The famous, shirmp stew (bobo de camarao), chicken pie and delicoius deserts and sweets.

Once again we will have the fabulous presence of Flavia Torga e Santiago Ferreira, playing the best of brazilian music.

Come everybody and spend a fantastic night with us, eating, dancing and making new friends !!!

At GOBI bar, Vinorhradská 63.

Tuesday 7 July 2009


Hey my sweethearts...
I would like to inform you that my workshop for this summer, starting today July 7th, is already full.
So, to do not let some of the people out of the lessons, I am opening a new group from 6 to 7pm

Book you place and come to have some fun and move your body with me before I go for holidays hehehhehe... I deserve it!

The lessons will take place at Taneční studio Naboso, školská 12, praha 1

See you there!

Thursday 2 July 2009

Friday with Elza Soares

Elza Soares (Born june 23,1937)is a Brazilian samba singer, Daughter of a laundress and a workman, was mother at the age 12 and widowed when she was 18. Her talent was recognized immediately after singing the first time in a program of radio. With her Unique voice she soon recorded an LP and was invited to sing for the world cup in Chile in 1962 with Louis Armstrong,who started to call her my little daugther. Since that she has been collecting awards and a successful career.

I am fascinated about her voice and style, and is not everybody that can be over 70 years old beeing so good,with that voice,that clothes and high hills.That is one of the reasons I have in ALo Alo show a kind of parody with her song on Nega Maluca performance. The character is well known in Brazil and there are various forms of interpretation , but the main feature is the behavior of stress and exaggerated self-esteem. I have never been to Elza´s concert but God knows that when this day comes, I will jump on the stage and hug her a lot...hehehehe

So..bellow you can see her performing and also a video with Nega Maluka from Alo Alo show,where we do a parody about!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Good byes!

Hey people over there, please, stop to die!

Fred Mercury asked in one of his songs: Who wants to live forever? And I definitely do, at least I would like to, but seems to be impossible. But some people came to this world to do big things and do not die. Do you really believe that Elvis Presley has died, or Marilyn Monroe? And we saw just the kind of pop Michael Jackson passing away. Do you dare if he is going to live forever? I do not!

Pina Bausch, the German choreographer known for her pioneering work, died Tuesday, June 30th. Just over a week, Pina Bausch yet risen to the stage of the Theater of Wuppertal, with her dance company that she directed since 1973. Five days she had known that was suffering from cancer. She died with 68 years old. The choreographer was one of the great artists who changed the course of the dance in the 20th century, dancer and for history, she will always be alive!

In case you have not seen the movie "Speak with her" from Pedro Almodovar, you probably remember on the beginning of the movie he shows one ballet in one café, called Café Müller, is that on one of the most famous and important of the ballet 20th century, and its from Pina Bausch.

So, he is some of her pictures, and before our time comes, let's live, let's celebrate this life and all the beauty and love that are around us.